
Financial products booklets and postcard

Starting any new venture is exciting. There are lots of details that demand attention: leasing office space, putting up a new web site, hiring staff. But one of the first things you need to do is start lining up customers – fast! After all, they’re the ones who pay the bills.

And this client, who was striking out on his own as a financial planner after being with a large company for several years, was no exception. Although he already had quite a few clients, he wanted to start getting the word out to new prospects about what he had to offer.

So his commercial printer referred him to me for help.

Using information that he provided me about his products and services (along with research I did on my own), I wrote:

  • A client information booklet on how annuities can be part of a smart retirement savings strategy
  • A marketing booklet that talks about his credentials and his approach to investment advice
  • A promotional postcard to new homeowners about protecting their mortgage with term life insurance

For a relatively small initial investment, this client has materials he can reprint (or modify) whenever he likes. He can negotiate the best price on printing rather than being locked in with one vendor. And because these materials were created especially for his business, he has an utterly unique marketing pitch tailored to his offerings.

Lesson: Although the cost of new marketing materials (even for an established company) can be a little breathtaking, put it into perspective. How much is one new client worth to you? If you could get better response to your direct mail or other marketing campaigns, how much more money would that put into your pocket?

Think about it … then give me a call for a free consultation for any new marketing materials you’re considering for your business.


General marketing/lead generation booklet

Annuity marketing booklet

Direct mail postcard